Adventurous peopleNo, these are not words from the Girl Scout pledge.

They are the qualities I would like to find in the people who join my primary business.

There is a lot of buzz out there about attracting tons and tons of people to your business.

But what about attracting the right people…the ones who resonate with what you have to offer…the ones you would love to spend time with, even if they weren’t your clients, partners, customers or downline.

That is the beauty of a revolutionary system of marketing that draws on the Law of Attraction to target and draw just the right people who will resonate with the products or services you have to offer.  This system goes one step beyond  “attraction marketing” by consciously focusing on the spiritual aspects of selling.

Why selling is not an evil word

But first, you may be thinking, I’m not comfortable with the whole idea of “selling” my products or services.  For many of us, the word “selling” conjures up images of sleazy door-to-door salesmen hawking useless snake oil tonics to unsuspecting victims.

Let me see if I can help you look at it a bit differently.  Let’s say you have a great new product, one that will help me lose weight safely without giving up all my favorite foods.  You know there are a lot of people in the world who would be interested in your product, if they only knew about it.

One way to sell your weight loss product would be to tell all your friends and family members about it, and try to get them to purchase some from you.  That might get you a few sales, but you run the risk of alienating some people…especially those who don’t think they need to lose weight 🙂

Another way you could try to sell your weight loss product is through traditional advertising, either in print or online.  Again, this might get you some sales, but you would have to pay for the ads, and it might be difficult to pinpoint your target audience.

What if there was a better way…a way that did not require you to go out and find prospective buyers?  What if there was a method that would attract the right people to you…people who are interested in losing weight and will eagerly try out your product?

That is the idea of attraction marketing, an idea that has been around for some years in internet marketing circles.

What exactly is attraction marketing?

The basic concept of attraction marketing is quite simple.  You “attract” people to your business by giving them valuable information for free on your blog or website.  By positioning yourself as an expert, you cultivate a trusting relationship that will eventually lead them to be interested in buying your product, joining your team, or signing on as your student.

I first learned about attraction marketing by reading Ann Sieg’s Attraction Marketing Manifesto.   If you’re new to the field, you might want to give it a read.  You can also download Ann’s e-book, The Seven Great Lies of Network Marketing, which explains why traditional methods of recruiting members to your business simply don’t work!

By now, the idea of attraction marketing and “giving value” is old hat.  There are lots of systems out there, and they all work if you implement them properly.  I personally have been through Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring 7 Day Bootcamp, Mike Klingler’s Renegade University, and Jonathan Budd’s 7 Figure Networker Bootcamp.  They all offer great training, so if you want to learn more, just click the links to see which system works best for you.

So what is different about conscious attraction marketing?

Conscious attraction marketing is based on The Law of Attraction and gives a whole new meaning to the notion of selling. In fact, sales really have no place in the repertoire of the conscious attraction marketer.  Instead, it is all about another “S” word – service.

Going back to our weight loss example, let me illustrate by making a few assumptions.  First, you truly believe in the value of your weight loss product.  You have done the research and understand the science that supports your program.  And you have no doubt that it will provide great benefits to the health and well-being of someone who is overweight.  Your only challenge is how to let the right people know about it.

How would conscious attraction marketing help you attract the right people?

First, you would consciously create an intention of service…to share your weight loss product only with people who will truly benefit from what you have to offer.

Once you have created your intention, you would share free and valuable information to attract people who have a true need for, or interest in, your product or service.  You could do this on your website or blog, by holding classes or teleseminars, or in personal conversations.

You would use a marketing system that strategically places the information in places that will be visited by people who would benefit from your product or service.  If you are online, that is where traffic generation and social media come into play.

Finally, you would honestly “listen” to the needs, desires and concerns of your prospective customers…only offering them your weight loss product when they have expressed an interest in losing weight.

Do you see how this has changed the entired concept of marketing?  You are no longer in the business of making sales…you are in the business of providing authentic service to people who will appreciate what you have to offer.  And you are no longer marketing a specific product or service, you are marketing your own knowledge, experience and valuable advice.

How does conscious attraction marketing apply to building a team?

Attracting the right people to join your primary business opportunity is no different from any other kind of selling.  We all know people out there who use hype, empty promises and oppressive pressure tactics to get people to “take action now.”

You may be able to sign up a lot of recruits that way, but how long will they stay before being drawn away to the next best opportunity?

As a conscious attraction marketer, you are not simply looking for how many people you can sign up.  Instead, you are asking how your business opportunity can truly serve other people, while helping you to build your business.  You are providing value to others, and trusting the Law of Attraction to create a reciprocal flow of energy.

That is why it is essential to be clear on what you want to attract.  I am involved in many different businesses, but when I think about building a team, I am always looking for the same thing.  I am looking for people who are passionate, authentic, inspired, joyful, generous and compassionate.

My ideal tribe members want to be successful, but their vision of success goes beyond simply making money.  They want to fulfill their soul’s desires while making a contribution to the world.

Conscious attraction marketing and the Law of Attraction provide the ideal vehicle for connecting with people who embody the qualities you are looking for in forming your “dream” team.  It all starts with you.  Be the person you want to attract, and let it show.  No hype is necessary, just the authentic “you.”

To your success,