About Laurie Morin

Author | Writing Coach

My Story

Having spent most of my career as a law professor and social justice ally, I learned firsthand the challenges that come with living a life trapped by the story of other’s expectations and stereotypes. Along the way, I’ve discovered empowering ways to break free of that cycle.

This work inspired me to retire from law to become an author. Writing Shero’s Journey was an empowering experience. Learning the shero’s journey framework provided a container to share my stories more powerfully and inspire hundred of readers to live more authentic lives.

I discovered that sharing my vulnerability with others through coaching and retreats created a safe space for healing and personal growth. I also learned that many women want to share their own life stories, but don’t know where to begin. That is why I created Writing for Empowerment, a group coaching program for women who want to write their life stories.

A Gift for You

10 Writing Prompts for Powerful Life Stories

Use these writing prompts to write you next story and see how they connect you with universal themes that resonate with your readers and make your stories more uplifting, powerful, and inspiring. 

10 Writing Prompts for Powerful Stories

A delightful, thought provoking and lovingly guided journey of creative exploration that will help you reveal your authentic self, re-write your story and embrace the next chapter of your life with clarity, excitement & peace. The time to start living your dreams is now!

Emily Johnsson, Mentor to Changemakers & Conscious Entrepreneurs