TribeEvery business needs a tribe.  Your tribe may include a wide variety of people… clients, customers, business partners, joint venturers, downline associates, employees, and just plain fans.

Conscious entrepreneurs know that attracting the ideal tribe is far more important than having the biggest tribe.

The ideal tribe consists of people who resonate with the passions, purpose and vision of the business you want to create.

This post shares some ideas for finding your ideal tribe through the power of conscious attraction marketing.

Conscious attraction marketing uses the principles of the Law of Attraction to create a reciprocal energy flow that naturally attracts the right people, energy and opportunities to your business.  I am not talking about woo woo stuff here. I am talking about scientifically verifiable principles based on the field of quantum physics.

You can use these principles for virtually any kind of business or personal relationship.  So the first thing you need to do is get clear about what kind of relationship you would like to work on.  As an example, I am going to talk about how to attract customers and downline associates through conscious network marketing.

We are going to break it down into 5 easy steps.

First, identify your ideal tribe member’s qualities and characteristics.

For customers, this means someone who has a true need or desire for your product or service, who is willing and able to pay for it, and who will buy and use it with passion.  John Assaraf, business coach and one of the stars of The Secret, puts it this way in his best-selling book, The Answer:

Your ideal customer is the one who not only buys your product or service, but who buys it and uses it with passion. Your ideal customer is the one who really wants what you have to offer. The ideal customer doesn’t just use your product, she loves your product. She doesn’t just purchase your service; she feels that she couldn’t live without it….Once you start getting the right message to the right customers, they’ll not only buy from you, they’ll keep buying from you forever. They’ll spend more money with you than the average customer ever would.  They’ll tell their family and friends to buy from you, too. Identify your ideal customer and you’ll soon find you are working less and earning more – a lot more.

The same principle applies to attracting your ideal downline associates. There are lots of gurus out there who can teach you how to generate massive leads, but how do you identify your ideal prospects?

For my own business, I have identified several qualities that are essential for someone who is going to join my team.

  • They have to share my passion for the mind-body-spirit connection
  • They have to be actively seeking a business opportunity and comfortable with the network marketing model
  • They have to be enthusiastic, optimistic, and truly interested in helping others
  • They have to be committed to putting in the time, effort and training to become successful
  • They have to be able and willing to commit at least $500 to starting a business and $100 a month to cultivating it during the start-up phase

Getting clear on your ideal tribe member’s qualities and characteristics puts you in a good position to take the next step…

Identify your ideal tribe member’s hot buttons.

Conscious entrepreneurs know that success is proportionate to the problems they solve and the value they add to other people’s lives. The best way to do that is to consciously respond to your ideal tribe member’s problems, frustrations and concerns.

Once you have an ideal tribe member in mind, it is relatively easy to put yourself in their shoes and visualize their “hot buttons.”  For example, the ideal downline associate I described for my network marketing business is likely to the following concerns:

  • They are not making enough money helping others in their current business.
  • Might be trading time for dollars, with no source of passive or residual income OR
  • Might be in network marketing, but not have the leadership or training to help them become successful.
  • Probably do not want to sell their soul in order to make money.
  • Likely to be turned off by hype, exaggerated claims and over-selling.

Once you have identifed the hot buttons, you are ready to go on to the next step:

Figure out what they want and match their needs with your ideal solution.

This may sound obvious, but many entrepreneurs who have not consciously gone through this process simply offer the products or services they want to create, rather than those that their tribe members really need.  That strategy may be supremely self-fulfilling, but it is not likely to connect you with your ideal tribe.

Going back to my example, it is pretty clear what solutions I should offer to attract my ideal associates:

  • A business opportunity that is grounded in the mind-body-spirit connection
  • Excellent leadership and training about how to be successful with that opportunity
  • Modeling and mentorship about how to attract customers without resorting to hype
  • A self-replicating system that puts all those factors together in an easily learned package

At this point, I know what products/services I need to offer to attract my ideal tribe member, but what is the best way to let them know that they should join me rather than one of the thousands of other businesses out there making similar offers?  There is one more step to take before we can begin our conscious marketing:

Turn your solutions into benefits that are so compelling that people will always choose you rather than your competitor.

People buy benefits, not solutions.  They want to know how your product or service will change their lives.  This is sometimes referred to as your USP (unique selling proposition).

Going back to my example, what is the benefit of joining any network marketing opportunity?  One obvious benefit is that it gives you the opportunity to generate passive or residual income. Some network marketing leaders emphasize the amount of money you can make, or the size of the downline you can build using their system.  To be sure, both of those are compelling benefits.

So what would make someone join my tribe rather than theirs?  If their passions, purpose and vision resonate with mine, potential tribe members will be drawn to my opportunity’s unique benefits:

  • A business model that is based on serving others, improving lives, and sharing the rewards
  • A tribe where relationships are collaborative and members are successful only to the extent that they help others to succeed
  • A marketing model that is based on authentic, no-hype marketing and selling as spiritual service
  • Membership in a tribe whose members are all connected by their passion for the mind-body-spirit connection.

There is just one final step in the conscious network marketing equation:

Communicate your unique benefits with authenticity, creating trusting relationships with potential tribe members.

One of the most important rules of marketing is that people are not just buying products or services, they are seeking genuine relationships with people who make them feel understood and appreciated.  That is why attraction marketing is based on giving value first, building trust, and only then asking for the sale.  Conscious attraction marketing takes that one step further, by setting an intention to attract only those people who have a true need for or interest in your product or service.

If you communicate your true purpose and vision with integrity, you may lose a few sales.  But the tribe members you do attract will be the perfect fit for your business.

If anything I have said here resonates with you, please leave me a comment or share this post. I love making connections with like-minded people, and am committed to reciprocal content sharing.